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Aviation Insurance
Aviation Insurance
Don't Let this Happen to You.
I spend a great deal of my time explaining the im-portance of adequate liability coverage to my avia-tion insurance clients. But it seems that regardless of how often I explain the concept, many people just don’t believe it could happen to them. So this time, instead of just the theory, I’ll tell you about a real-life example that happened just this past summer. (The details have been changed to protect the identities of those involved.)
11 Jan 2022
Aviation Insurance
Don't Let this Happen to You.
I spend a great deal of my time explaining the im-portance of adequate liability coverage to my avia-tion insurance clients. But it seems that regardless of how often I explain the concept, many people just don’t believe it could happen to them. So this time, instead of just the theory, I’ll tell you about a real-life example that happened just this past summer. (The details have been changed to protect the identities of those involved.)
December 28, 2024
Aviation Insurance
How Safe a Pilot Are You?
Have you ever found yourself trying to turn a bad landing into a good one—like after several bounces down the runway? Have you continued a flight into deteriorating weather conditions despite the potential risks and hazards? If you said yes, you have been guilty of a pilot decision-making error. These are the leading cause of the majority of aviation accidents and the resulting insurance claims. There are, of course, hundreds of different pi-lot errors. But perhaps the worst problem is what we refer to as “the invulnerable pilot”.
December 28, 2024
Aviation Insurance
Get More Organized and More Safe
To make your life even easier, there are now software programs available to help you do this. They can track your flight time, training, proficiency, and even aircraft maintenance expenses. With very little time and expense you can set up a system to keep your records organized. Even more importantly, doing this will remind you to get out there and keep improving your skills and becoming a safer pilot.
December 28, 2024
Aviation Insurance
Insurance Pop Quiz: Does Your Policy Pass the Test?
Here's a little quiz that examines some of the more mis-understood and overlooked areas of aviation coverage. See if you know the answers—and if your policy measures up.
December 28, 2024